
Exploring Crowdfunding Campaigns Using Excel


What are conclusions that we can draw about the crowdfunding campaigns data set?

Here are three possible conclusions we can draw about the crowdfunding campaigns data set: 1) “Theater” was the most successful category of crowdfunding but also had the most failed campaigns.

Screenshot 2023-03-27 at 11 42 24 AM

2) Crowdfunding activity (activity defined as: successful AND failed campaigns) within the sub-category “plays” eclipsed activity within all other sub-categories.

Screenshot 2023-03-27 at 11 43 08 AM

3) Late Spring/Early Summer (May, June, and especially July) is the time of year that yields the highest results for successful crowdfunding campaigns.

Screenshot 2023-03-27 at 11 44 02 AM

What are some limitations of this dataset?

The methods of each institution’s campaign are unclear. Different campaigns may have used different strategies to raise money (ie: donor drives, subscriber mailings, promotional sales, cold calls, printed/digital/radio advertisements, etc.).

The blurb gave limited information on the background of each institution raising money. If more information on the size and structure (ie: nonprofit, for-profit, etc) of the institution were provided then trends of success could be further pinpointed.

Some additional questions I had after examining the crowdfunding dataset: Age of each organization raising funds? Reason for each organization raising funds: Salaries? New construction? Products or services to distribute?

What are some other possible tables and/or graphs that we could create, and what additional value would they provide?

Other possible ways to provide value to the dataset provided include creating a table with the date created conversion and the date ended conversion to analyze the length of successful campaigns and we could also create a line graph based on campaign length with a filter on the parent category of campaign to examine any correlation between campaign length and parent category.